The Pope told yesterday the archbishop of Juba he is praying that Sudan may find a conclusive answer to its problems ahead of the 2011 referendum on self-determination for the South.

Archbishop Paolino Lukudu Loro held yesterday a private meeting with Pope Benedict to report on the archdiocese of Juba in the context of the “ad limina” visit the bishops of Sudan are making to the Holy See.

Fr. Peter Loro Bambu accompanied Archbishop Paolino in the meeting with the Holy Father.

Fr. Loro wrote to SCR News reporting that Archbishop Paolino informed Pope Benedict about the situation of the archdiocese of Juba amidst the electoral campaign and the preparations for the referendum.

Archbishop Paolino praised the good work of priests, missionaries, catechists and laity, while regretting that some clergy left active ministry.

The archbishop of Juba mentioned the difficult situation of displaced and returnees and the efforts the Church is making to help them resettle.

He also praised the spirit of ecumenism in his archdiocese.

Pope Benedict encouraged the archdiocese of Juba to work for peace and reconciliation to ensure democracy and lasting peace in the Sudan.

The Holy Father added that he prays that Sudan may find a conclusive answer to the problems which have caused untold sufferings to many people ahead of the 2011 referendum.

Today Pope Benedict received other Sudanese prelates in private audience.

Tomorrow, the Catholic bishops and heads of diocese in the Sudan will have a general audience with the Holy Father.

During the event, Pope Benedict will deliver his message to the Bishops, concluding their official six-day visit to the Vatican.