The GoSS ministry of Education has allocated a small budget for public universities in south Sudan to cater for the welfare of the higher learning institutions.

This comes after the universities complained repeatedly they are being neglected by both the governments of National Unity and of Southern Sudan.

Atem Mayang is the undersecretary for Higher Education in the GoSS ministry of Education, Science and Technology. He told SCR news that at both the ministry and the universities face many challenges due to a limited budget.

However, he added that a small budget has been allocated to the university services and capital which will be divided among the five public universities for stationary and some building.

Mr. Atem added that although the government of national unity should be giving support to the universities in south Sudan it is only paying salaries.

He added that Dr. John Garang Science and Technology Institute is fully financed by the Government of Southern Sudan.

Mr. Atem appealed to more organizations to support the universities in south Sudan.