Bakhita Radio, the SCRN station in Juba, has completed today three years of official broadcasting.

Bakhita Radio directress, Sr. Cecilia Sierra Salcido, told SCR News that February 8, the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, was when the station was inaugurated and started its regular broadcasting.

The station was on air since Christmas Eve of 2006.

Sr. Cecilia added that Bakhita radio was officially opened with a four- hour daily programme but now it has grown to 15 hours daily with 33 weekly programmes touching all areas of life.

She said also the staff increased from very few to 19.

Sr. Cecilia cited the major challenge to Bakhita Radio ithe fact that its signal is being overpowered by Radio France International.

She added she has asked the station to solve the problem to no avail.

Sr. Cecilia urged the local community to assist the station to boost its signal by collaborating in the construction of a 60-meter mast for Bakhita radio.

Bakhita radio is one of the eight stations of the Sudan Catholic Radio Network.