A shelter has opened its doors to give protection and care to sexually abused street girls in Juba.

Cathy Groenendijk directs the organization Confident Children out of Conflict that runs the centre. She told SCR News that most of the girls on the streets have been sexually abused one way or another.

She added that the centre provides 25 girls with three meals per day, non food material and counseling seven days per week.

The centre also helps the girls to overcome the violence they display through fighting and quarreling.

Ms. Groenendijk said the girls at the centre have been sexually abused and seduced while others went through domestic violence and abuse.

She added that one girl was gang raped but she has completely recovered.

Ms. Groenendijk said that the children at the centre have abusive parents and they need a short-term place to stay in order to be monitored.

She urged parents to pay more attention to the welfare of their children as she affirmed that some of the girls come from well to do families.

The organization is financed by Sudan Recovery Fund and it will build a new centre before the end of the year.

Ms. Groenendijk called on the government to ensure the implementation of the Child Act.

Confident Children out of War runs also a centre for boys called Living Water.