Southern Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission has presented today the Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities Form for office holders and senior civil servants in a bid to curb the use of public property for private ends.

Acting Director-General of Corruption Prevention and Education, John Batale, presented the document and how to fill it to a vast audience at the Blue Room of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly in Juba.

Mr. Batale said in conclusion that any office holder and senior civil servant are legally required to declare all his wealth and the wealth of his spouse and children.
He added that non compliance is an offence.

Dr. Pauline Riak, chairperson of Southern Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission, said the information on personal wealth will be kept confidential.

Dr. Riak explained that non-declared property will be confiscated.

She added that politicians who refuse to declare their wealth will be made public.
The Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities Form has to be filled by executive and legislative office holders, judiciary and senior civil servants within one month of taking office and then yearly.

The data is confidential will be store in a computer.

Asked by SCR News what measures were in place to avoid that the data will not end in public domain, Mr. Batale said only authorized personnel have assess to the database and with a password.

He added that a backup of the data will be stored in a safe outside the Commission facilities.

The presentation was concluded with a lively debate among the participants who pointed out that the filling of the form faces some cultural problems like common property of herds, delayed salaries and inheritance of widows and entrusted children and property belonging to adult children abroad.