The SPLM has dismissed a briefing paper on Southern Sudan prepared by humanitarian agencies warning of eminent war in the region as partial.

SPLM Deputy Secretary General for the Southern Sector, Anne Itto, said today in a press conference in Juba that the document released two days ago ahead of the CPA celebrations was partial because it used data from Jonglei, Western Equatoria and Unity states as representing the whole of the South.

Dr. Itto added that the report also lacks a baseline in order to compare the situation between 2005 and today.

However, she said she agreed with the paper’s call for a joint effort by the government, people, donors and agencies to support development in Southern Sudan, strengthening sustainable peace and the delivery of social services.

Dr. Itto said that this is the time to celebrate the achievements after Africa’s longest civil war ended and not for gloom and doom.

She added that there is relative peace and security in most parts of southern Sudan with more freedom of expression and movement among other development indictors.

Dr. Itto reiterated that war is no longer an option contrary to the paper that alerted for the danger of Sudan reversing into full scale conflict.