The Archbishop of Khartoum said yesterday that the regrouping of parishes in the archdiocese will go ahead as planned.

Cardinal Gabriel Zubeir Wako made the announcement during a briefing with church personnel at the end of the three-day Presbyteral Council, SCR News correspondent reported.

Cardinal Zubeir said the regrouping of parishes answers the needs of the communities taking into account the limited number of priests available in the archdiocese.

He added that his policy is not to leave one priest alone in a parish.

The Cardinal of Khartoum also announced some adjustments in the archdiocesan offices.

Cardinal Zubeir urged the parishes to work at the implementation of the archdiocesan synod decisions without waiting for the final document to come out.

The Cardinal mentioned also some important points discussed in meetings he participated while in Rome, Italy.

He recalled particularly two: holiness of priests and accountability in the use of money.

The ten Comboni Bishops holding their meeting in Khartoum were present in the briefing together with most of the Church personnel including priests, sisters, brothers, and lay people occuipyingpositions in the archdiocese.