Mrs. Jersa Kide Barsaba Amin, a member of the Southern Sudan High Committee and coordinator for the ten States, told SCR News that all registration data for Southern Sudan have been processed.

The data arrived on December 21 for Jonglei, and yesterday evening for Eastern Equatoria, however some remote registration centres in Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria states had not been able to send their data on time.

The percentage of people who have registered to vote is 85% in Jonglei and 141% of the census population in Eastern Equatoria. On average, the number of people who have registered is higher than the population in the Sudan Census 2008, and much higher than what had been expected by the National Elections Commission.

The final data for the other states of Southern Sudan are as follows: Unity State, 190% of the census population. Warap 140% of the census population, Northern Bhar el Gazal 129% of the census population, Western Bhar el Gazal 118 % of the census population, Lakes 107%, Central Equatoria 93%, Western Equatoria 92%, Upper Nile 85%.

Mrs. Barsaba expressed also her wishes for the forthcoming elections
The voter registration process in Southern Sudan has been smooth, with around 4 millions and 719.000 registered voters, despite limited civic education and late information to locate the registration centers. For the whole of Southern Sudan 130% of the census population has registered for the forthcoming elections.